Yesterday went out with chenbing and tionglin to bugis. But i meet them seperately. suppose to meet chenbing at around 3.30pm at bugis, but she made me wait for her for almost 1h 30min. Chen bing you good ya? Then we went to shop shop and this lady here keep asking me to walk junction cuz she complain street very hot lol. So went to junction and she went to eat pastamania. Look at her eat and afterthat i went to buy things etc. When it was 6.30 i accompany to mrt station as she need to go work. Aiyo earn more more money ya then treat me haha blehx.
Afterthat went to meet my cousin then we went haji lane walk walk talk talk. In the end he accompany me go buy thing again. Omg la i spent alot k and i mean really ALOT. Accompany him to yoshinoya and see him eat again. Afterthat decided to go and find my bf and pass him one thing. So we went to take mrt to bedok and then bus to parkway parade. Afterthat what happen jiu don't say le bah shall be secret hehehe.
Anw everything settle le so i can finally sleep sweetly le bah. And really thx to all those ppl who help me, listen to my problem, accompanied me, comfort me etc.. You all really help me alot for this one week. Nomatter how much i type also cannot show how much i really appreciate you all in my heart so thank you. I won't forget you all de =)
Anw last few day i webcam with chenbing and below will be the pic ya enjoy. Oh ya i cut my hair so i will like toot toot la =)